AAFDL Editora was born in the academic world with the purpose of serving the legal world as a whole.

The growth of the Publisher has been dictating new rules, because nowadays we no longer look only to the Faculty where we are located, but also to the outside.

In recent years, we have been careful to expand our horizons, seeking to produce scientific works by more authors than just professors, so that our works may serve not only students, but also lawyers, solicitors, municipalities, and all other agents in the world of law.

Our slogan: "Over 100 years publishing the future" is characteristic of what we are and what we represent. We know where we come from, we know where we are, and we know where we are going!

Authors who choose our publishing house as theirs, choose it because they see in this publisher the joviality that is characteristic of it, but beyond that, they understand the sense of responsibility that exists among all those who run it.

We have always been located in the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and, apparently not, this is a great advantage we have over any other Publishing House. This differentiating factor allows us to reach authors and students more easily and also allows us to have a main bookstore in the Lisbon Faculty of Law.

This huge distribution network allows us to reach a wide network of Jurists.